Welcome to the Wireless Networking Group (WiNG) at UCLA Computer Science Department. WiNG's research areas include wireless networking, mobile systems, and cloud computing. Our focus is on design, implementation and experimentation of protocols, algorithms and systems for wireless data networks. The goal is to build high-performance and dependable networking solutions for the wireless Internet.
The Wireless Networking Group is led by Dr. Songwu Lu, Professor at UCLA.
Flora (Flexible Mobile Network Platform) v1.0 has been released!
A Systematic Way to LTE Testing has been accepted to MobiCom'19.
Resolving policy conflicts in multi-carrier cellular access has been accepted to MobiCom'18.
Tick has won the MobiCom'17 Best Community Paper Award.
Several papers about NFV and security has been accepted!
DPCM has been accepted to ACM MobiCom'17.
Tick has been accepted to ACM MobiCom'17.
Our 5G position paper is released [PDF].